Kamiak's Uniforms
A marching band uniform is considered essential to the identity of a marching band. They give the band a chance to put out a statement before they even take a step or play a note. In the history of the Kamiak Show Band, four different uniforms have given the band its identity. All of them are distinctly Kamiak, but they all carry their individual personalities and traits all on their own.

Classic Uniform
1993 - 2007

An instant classic.
These uniforms were in use from the show band's very first show, up until 2007's show, Flow.
They were a white top with a purple sash with "KNIGHTS" written over it. The sides were purple and the sleeves were white. The back had a cape with the word "KAMIAK" written vertically going down. The shako is white with a purple band going around the center. It has a silver brim. The plume was a mylar metallic plume. The pants were purple with white lines going down the sides. Silver epaulets were added to the shoulders. White gloves were used with the uniform.

At a parade.

At a football game.

A soloist.

At a parade.
K Uniforms
2008 - 2012
A new look.
These uniforms made their debut in the show band's 2008 show, A Mirror in the Heart, and were used up until 2012's show, DeuX.
These uniforms consist of a black top with white, left arm sleeve and a right, purple sleeve. A silver, checkered sash runs from the upper right shoulder of the marcher to the bottom left of the parade top. The upper right portion of the uniform viewed from the front is purple, with a silver "K" on it. Silver buttons are added to uniform and a black collar surrounds the neck. Black gauntlets are added to marcher's wrist with silver buttons on them as well. Black gloves are used. The shako used is all black with a silver emblem on the front and a black brim with silver edges. The plumes used with this uniform vary. In the earlier years with this uniform they were the same as the classic uniform. In 2010's show, Everything is Illuminated, the plumes were yellow to fit with the show theme. Currently, the plumes used with this uniform consist of black feathers and small slivers of silver mylar to accent it.

Everything is Illuminated at a football game

At the Auburn Veteran's Day Parade in 2017

Pass Me By at the 2011 PSFOB

Everything is Illuminated at a football game
Night Uniform
2013 - 2016
A darker look.
These uniforms made their debut in the show band's 2013 show, The Night Circus, and were used up until 2016's show, What Dreams Are Made Of.
This uniform ushered in a much cleaner, sleeker, and more modern look for the show band. Almost completely black save for the front of the uniform, which consists of three patches of grey. One light, the other darker, and the last one a velvet grey which extends to cover the entire left arm. The shakos are the same as the K uniform, and the black feather plumes were used starting with this uniform. The pants are black. No gauntlets were used, but the black gloves remained.
These uniforms have only ever been marched in shows, not parades. The K uniform was used for parades instead. This marked the beginning of the show band's use of two different uniforms to represent themselves.

Gold Uniform
2017 - present
The gold standard.
These uniforms made their debut in the show band's 2017 show, The Art of Love, and are still being used for their shows today. Once again, breaking away from traditionally bulky marching uniforms, these uniforms were designed to be sleek, elegant, and visually pleasing to work with.
This uniform is split into three distinct areas. The left side, along with the arm, is all grey. The front of the uniform is a golden yellow, with thin black diagonal stripes going across the body. Also, the left part of the front chunk is covered in golden sequins. The right side, also with the arm, is colored a duller yellow, almost white, to compliment the darker side of the uniform. The light side of the uniform runs down to form a side cape. On the lighter shoulder, there is a golden sequin wing added as well. The pants are black. The shakos were ditched completely the first two years of use for this uniform, but they made a return in 2019's show, No Strings Attached.

Tree Nymph Uniform
Creatures of the night.
Nicknamed the "treeple" uniforms, these uniforms were made specifically for use in the show band's 2018 show, At The Edge of The Woods. They were later modified and used for Kamiak Winter Percussion's 2019 production, Mother.
These uniforms represent the tree nymph characters. They serve as a visual opposite to the show band's gold uniforms, representing the villagers. The uniform is a blend of many different materials ranging from sequins, velvet, satin, and more. The colors consist of multiple shades of brown, along with gray and green interwoven throughout. The uniform also includes a hood. The pants are the same as a normal uniform. Half of the show band remained in the gold uniforms while the other half changed into the tree nymph uniforms halfway through the show. A unique uniform with an added red cape and mask were made for the main character in the show.
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